Sunday, September 21, 2008

Creating Notes with Silence

I was sitting in the balcony with the laptop on my lap,
thoughts in my mind forming words on the screen.
The time was evening,
and while us "unnatural" beings
turned on lights and tubes,
the rest of the natural order was ending the day.

This town of mine, this town where I live,
is kind.
People live here, but the sounds of nature can still be heard.
And silence, when presented, is not disturbed.

That day, it was the silence that screamed out to me.
A faint hum, though -
that of birds chirping,
emanated from far corners,
and merged with the silence.

Suddenly ,
the canvas of the sky
was painted with the passage of a flock of birds.
I saw them -
every soldier steady and firm,
every motion synchronized,
every path identical.

As they weaved their magical path,
astounding onlookers but attracting none -
not a single sound escaped their regiment.
And the tranquility of the moment was not broken.

the greatest silent orchestra was performed that day.

PS: This poem describes one of the two sights that I saw that day.


Nitin Mahajan said...

what a nice sight and what a nice way of describing it! :)

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for belly dancing.

kriti said...

thanks for the comment... am curious... is this Micky or is this Divoo?

why anonymous?
and why belly dancing?

bornfree said...

Curious...what was the other sight?