Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Here's my addition to this list of those moments of life that make life what it is... Beautiful.

Sitting on the grass - Dejected
Then spotting a squirrel playing nearby.

Waking up to a beautiful dream.

Beautiful weather - a splendid day
A spring in your step
And for some reason
Yet incoherent in your mind,
You are on top of the world
And suddenly
The song on the shuffle
Mirrors your exact sentiments.

Chance meeting with girl
Whose thoughts makes your heart skip a beat.

And she smiles at you.

Cycling downhill
Down down down...
Wind places people time
Rush past.
And you are unstoppable -
You are born free.


sandeep said...


bornfree said...

Beautiful indeed! I specially love the last part..I can feel the sheer exhilaration.

Anonymous said...

haha..wait till that squirrel gets in your shorts.

Nitin Mahajan said...

wow... and when you're amongst the mountains, divine and huge!

kriti said...


that's why i tell u that u should learn cycling

nice comment... but who said i was wearing shorts?
and why anonymous?

i like the sea more.. but mountains do just fine too

Ilkka Kauppinen said...

Sorry for late answer about my cycling picture, go a head use it!