Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Simple Experiment

By means of this blog, I request you to participate in a simple experiment. I shall outline the procedure here.

First, I shall describe a few situations that I have encountered in my personal life. Then, I shall ask you a few questions regarding the described situations. Your role would be to honestly answer those questions.

Here and there, I might put forward some of my views regarding the described situations. I would request you to patiently hear me out. Pretty simple experiment, isn’t it? Then, let’s go ahead.

Situation 1: As I was waiting for the lift in my office building, I noticed a beautiful girl coming along. Being an early hour of the day, there was no one else nearby. As our eyes met, I noticed a hint of interest in her eyes. I was dying to start talking with the girl. I could feel the palpitations in my heart …

Question: I felt the urge to talk to this beautiful specimen from the opposite gender. Have you, in a similar situation in your life, felt a similar urge? Answer in Yes or No.

Situation 2: A (female) friend and I had visited a coffee shop recently. We struck up an interesting conversation. Flitting from one topic to another, the conversation landed on the topic of my friend’s boyfriend. She started by describing the time when they had started going around, and then talked about a bad patch in their relationship. Then, she went on to describe how they had made up. I could notice a glow of happiness in her face, as she talked about him. As I listened to her monologue, my feelings changed from one of pleasant curiousness to slight jealousy. How could these people be so happy? Must you have a love-partner to be in such a state of bliss?

Question: Have you been faced with a similar situation? Have you, at one point or another in your life, felt a similar need to have a partner? Answer in Yes or No.

My views : Now, here are my views on the situations described above. Some of you, having faced similar situations in the past, might have already found your life-partner. I believe that these ‘needs’ of mine will be fulfilled in the future. It may be in the form of marriage, or in the form of a girlfriend. My point is that there is no need for me to despair. A positive solution lies in the future.

Now, let me describe a few more situations.

Situation 3: While going for my morning walk, I pass this eating joint beside my house. If I pass it around 7 o’clock, I find boys, much younger than me, huddled together, peeling potatoes. Every day of the week, barring Sundays, they peel potatoes. During my walk, I think about my career, about the rising pollution in the city, and other such issues. I wonder what those kids think about.

Question: Have you seen small kids, slaving away at menial tasks, wasting the best years of their lives? Have you ever been worried for them? Answer in Yes or No.

Situation 4: One day, I was running a few chores during the daytime. As I was passing Minto Park, I noticed a small kid defecating behind a tree. It was a busy time of the day, and hundreds of cars were whizzing past that site. Quite a few pedestrians, like me, were also using that footpath. The kid was in full public view, but obviously he had more pressing things to attend to. Initially amazed by the sight, I noticed that this footpath had been used for similar purposes quite regularly. Unlike this child, the others had probably been careful to control their bowel movements to less busier hours of the day.

Question: Have you seen a similar pitiable sight? Have you felt injustice over the fact that some people do not get even their basic needs attended to? Answer in Yes or No.

My views : Well, I keep feeling sad when I come across these sights. I wonder why there is no natural social mechanism for alleviating these inequalities. A natural mechanism like the one that gets people married. Why isn’t there a natural movement towards addressing such social injustice?

Initially, when I set out to write this piece, I started on a pessimistic note. But since then, I think I have found a positive answer. Like my views expressed earlier, I think the solution for this injustice lies in the future.

After all, I cannot help each and every child in the streets. Much like the fact that I cannot marry each and every pretty girl that I come across in a lift. I hope I shall be able to help at least one needy child in my life. That, I think, will be similar to remaining happily married with the love of my life.


Souvik said...

awesome post man ... hav u ever felt something similar for stray dogs/cats hu hav been injured in road accidents and struggle for an existence??

Anonymous said...

well, it was nice to read your views.. but but but...

thinking and procastinating wont help.. if everyone thinks the same nothing is gonna happen.. one shd start somewhere or other.. may be you will help one child.. that one atleast will be beneficiary right?
and here comes the old saying.. drop and drop makes an ocean..

And about the specimen, if you dont start it now, you will regret in future. giving a try wont cost you anything right?

kriti said...

@ reddy : right u r... bang on my boy...

Anonymous said...

I wont answer in yes or no, I would like to write something. Hope u have time to read it!

Situation 1: Yes I have. It took me a lot of courage to go ahead n talk to her. And as far as I remember my right leg started shaking 1st! Then everything! And finally I had to take the support of a scooter parked nearby. But after 3 unsuccessful attempts, I finally succeeded! Though I only scared her as most of our indian girls dont like talking to strangers no matter whatever may be their pick up line! But Kriti dear, you should go for it! Because I'm sure that she is also waiting for you to say something. As I'll hate to hear from u someday that somebody else is married to ur wife! All the Best!

Situation 2: Deep inside there is a part in all of us that feels lonely, no matter with whom we are, no matter what we are doing. I would like to quote something here from the famous mini tv series 'Taken':- "People move sometimes in their lives without really thinking abt where they're going, days pile up, and they get sadder and lonelier without knowing why they're sad and why they got so lonely. Then something happenes, they meet someone who looks in a certain way, or have something in their smile, may be thats all the falling in love is, finding someone who makes you feel a little less alone."

And when we see someone cherishing that eternal bliss of being in love, we get a little jealous wishing to feel the same way 'these people' are feeling. And that makes us even more lonely. No matter how hard u try to deny the very need of that 'someone special', but its there, and will always be, untill u find her. But that doesnt mean u'll just sit back n wait for ur marriage to happen. 'She' could be the girl in the lift or the girl u see everyday in ur office canteen while having ur lunch. 'She' could be anyone, all u gotta do is trust ur instincts n try!

Situation 3: In my school days in Durgapur, friends n me used to have 'egg-roll' twice a week on our way back home from tuitions. A boy used to work in that stall. One time I asked him whether he goes to school or not. he said 'no' n told me that his mother is a maid n he himself sells vegetables in his day time, not answering anything abt his father.

These young boys n girls dont like working in their precious childhoods, rather forced to, to gather meals for their family. I dont know whether we have free schools for these childrens in cities like Calcutta, but I do know that giving free schooling to them isnt gonna help to manage twice a day meals to them or their family. Honestly speaking, I cant even blame anyone for taking away these children's childhoods, as I myself dont know how can I give them a better tomorrow.

Situation 4: Its not just happening in the cities, rather I've seen people living in towns n villages having tv with cable connections but using the nearest open field or railway track for their 'nature calls'. I think volunteering for an NGO who works for generating awareness n providing toilets in a cheap cost would help them. These people dont even feel the need to have a toilet, its only us who see the necessity. There lies the lack of awareness among them.

kriti said...

@ vikash : brilliant, mr vikash.. my appreciation of u as a person rises tremendously after reading ur piece.. not to mention the lucid writing...

Subash said...

Nice Post Kriti

kb said...

Nice post, I must say and I must agree that most of us if not all have encountered similar situations and thought the same thought
But what you call the future is not formed on its own, whether the future becomes better or worse depends fully on what you and I do and not just think
However, the thought always preceeds the action

Fallen Angel said...

hey hey!!Now finally i get to read something i like,not that i didnt like the previous ones,well to answer your questions dear "brother/uncle" i shall have to humbly just come to cal and thou shalt know the truth!Keep posting.Cheers,Ritu

Anonymous said...

the collision of internal and external universes brings interesting thought, such as yours.

yet it remains thought, swirling in the mind, subsiding, rising, rising to furious indignation sometimes, burying itself in more self centred considerations at other times.

it is sad, this endless thinking, wanting, wishing. or is it happy? it is sad and happy and human, most importantly, it is human.

Shreyabha Pandey said...

nice conclusion